Due to certain brand and dosage restrictions, some products are only available to our store members.
A variety of supplements used in the protocols for health regeneration and performance.
Superfood powders and berries to makenutrient denses and super smoothies and snacks.
Medicinal CBD dosed correctly has many healing effects on the body for sleep, relaxation, stress.Â
Screening tools available such as blood panels, hair analysis, specialised gut testing and genetic testing.
A variety of supplements used in the protocols for health regeneration and performance.
Elevate your well-being and performance with personalized executive health coaching
Nutrient deficiencies cause disease.Â
Start nourishing your cells with a tailored supplement protocol according to your health condition, health objective, blood panel result, or genetic tests.
Clinically studied to have the highest absorbability.
Proudly South African, roasting premium Arabica beans from across the continent, spanning Zimbabwe in the South to Ethiopia in the North. The personal origins are from Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia, where the craft of coffee roasting has matured, from the growing of it on the foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro, to the roasting of it in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Do you know where you coffee comes from and the health risk of your beans?
In this introductory course, I share what saved me from years of gut burn, bloat, and pain. The free lesson will reveal how to identify possible causes of your gut issues.Â
By building a solid foundation and figuring out the exact cause of your symptoms, you are able to take corrective action.Â
Discover the underlying causes of your health concerns with a comprehensive assessment, including genetic testing, blood panels, and hair analysis, to uncover what’s really going on in your body and brain.
Learn how to design your own supplement protocol and whole food eating plan.
Executive health strategist and natural wellness practitioner.