You are about to embark on a journey that may not only save your life, but it will give the basic foundation to improved sporting performance. And as a bonus, provide you the tools for quality longevity.
As a disciplined sportsperson with access to the top medical doctors, dietitians and scientists, I spent years searching for answers to my own gut health issues even after a life of feeding my body with what I believed was the so-called healthiest food.
I later discovered I was hoodwinked into this marketing hype, even with my health background in managing the most serious of diseases in the healthcare delivery system. In addition, I have been an active sportsperson for over 46 years, either exercising or participating at the highest level in sports. I competed as a sprinter for 15 years, spent years cycling, excelled as a soccer player, scratch golfer and experimented daily to achieve my own personal best level of development.
My severe gut issues of more than a decade led me to invest in the tools available to determine my possible cause. In my work in risk, if you cannot identify the risk and determine the cause you end up treating the symptom, which then leads to other health issues. I spent fortunes on the pharmaceutical drugs I had been taking and not finding any relief.
I took a sabbatical from my business and spent a three years researching and applying what I had gained over my career working with experts. I finally discovered the method and steps required to heal my own gut and be the healthiest I have EVER been.
Twelve years later, I have fine-tuned my system for resolving gut health and related health risks of my client and I want to begin by sharing the learning with you. This could literally save your life and bring about a level of health you have only dreamed of experiencing. Remember, I have looked at this from a health risk angle and in so doing, I do not advocate pie-in-the-sky diets, but get straight to what you require nutritionally to either turn your health around and gain your perfected form.
It is not the food you consume on the day or the day before that gives you sustainable energy. Sustainable energy is produced in the microbiome of the gut. So feed your gut bugs.
Your Gut health is linked to every condition in the body. It is the foundation to a strong immune system, happiness and overall well-being.
‘Improved Performance’ starts in the gut!
If one looks at the body as a tree, the GI-tract (gastrointestinal) can be considered the central column, or trunk, of the tree. Every organ and gland can be considered as one of the branches emanating from this trunk. This should give you an idea of how important the GI-tract is, as all tissue is connected to it directly or via the nervous system. It is fairly common for concerns in the GI-tract to be reflexed to other parts of the body, causing issues there: one can feel pain in the knee, when, in fact, the issue lies with a specific part of the colon. As this can happen not only to the knee but to the whole of the body, this gives a clear picture of the importance of a healthy GI-tract and where the best place to start for almost all health conditions.
You can access Peter for private 1 on 1 session in person or online where he can consider your challenge, specific condition or health goal! As part of signing up for a course journey, you could receive access to Peter’s Facebook group where you can pose your questions while going through the course.
Peter does recommend supplements as part of his work; however, these are certainly not required. Nutrition is preferably gained from the correct food categories. You can be assured the supplements suggested in the program are only supplements Peter uses himself and has spent endless hours researching the top studies in the world before using them.
The course does not require any lab testing. However lab and specialized tests are very important to determine the potential cause and risk of any gut or other related health issues. Peter can provide, on request, a tailored blood, food intolerance or genetic test to aid your understanding of the cause and bring about faster and a more scientific approach to your healing journey.
“The Health of Your Gut Course” is set up so that it can be done ENTIRELY at your own pace. This means you can sign up and start at any time. We encourage you to get started s soon as possible so that you can start your journey to longevity.
YES! Peter took the methods that he uses in his teachings and 1:1 coaching clients and created a step-by-step program for you to work through at your own pace at home. Every module and section is set up easily so that you can work through them as you go, or skip around to focus on certain aspects of the program.
Peter recommends supplements from a variety of resources. Not all supplements are available in country. For the supplements he recommends from NuVita pharmaceutical grade, a 15% discount applies for all friends of the program. Superfoods fulfill a variety of needs in a healthy eating plan. These are available in the on-line shop.
This will vary from person-to-person and is mostly based on your current health status. If you follow 1 session per week it will take 4 weeks to complete. Each session is broken into 15-20 minute segments for your convenience. Normally each session is only 1 hour long per week. An easy accomplishment for almost everyone.
If you have a gut health condition or problem and have never investigated alternative care, this course will change you life. Peter’s philosophy and methods he uses for all of his 1:1 coaching clients is brought into this introductory course. In addition the course has been built with over 35 000 hours of research reduced into an easy to understand, highly motivating introductory course.
The simplest and healthiest way to improve PERFORMANCE