Your Gene Diet DNA Test Provides Nutritional Secrets to Being in Your Best Shape!

Using your Genetic Results you can accelerate Weightloss or Muscle gain without having to diet. 

It’s Easier than You Think!

Using my risk expertise, health background, strategy and sporting experience, I design your roadmap with the ideal method and steps to transform your health.

The methodology allows for identifying the root cause of the health symptoms, evaluating the impact on you, and then implementing a personalized solution to regenerate healing. From our ongoing training, we make available insights that propel you to the next level.

Time Spent in Coaching
woman, kitchen, man

Why Do We All Eat The Same If We Are Born Different?

Studies show that up to 70% of your risk for being overweight is determined by your genes. Your DNA also provides information about your feeding behaviours, natural appetite control, the fat burning process, your genetic need for physical exercise in order to maintain a healthy body weight, and your sensitivity to dietary fat and carbohydrates.

“The myth that our genes determine our fate.“

Deepak Chopra and Rudy Tanzi explain in breathtaking detail the magic of how our diet, our lifestyle, our thoughts, and even our gut bacteria or microbiome ‘talk’ to our genes, regulating which genes get turned on or off, or turned up or down, influencing every aspect of our health.

Your Genetic Uniqueness

Health equality means giving every person the same thing, health equity means giving people what they truly need to reach their optimal health. Your genes and the way they respond to what you eat or don't eat will have a major impact on your present and future health outcomes. Using nutrition to change the way an impaired gene responds is vital to optimal wellbeing.

The Weight Challenge

Our DNA plays a very big part in the regulation of our body weight. Obesity is a very complex disease, and many factors can contribute to a person being overweight or underweight including their genes, behaviour, and the environment. Knowing our genetic predisposition, we can work with more certainty on the appropriate measures towards an eating plan unique to our DNA.

What Will the Report Results Tell You?

Your genetic risk to being Overweight or Underweight, your Exercise Response and Type of Diet. It will provide valuable insights as to how to lose or gain weight, along with dietary effectiveness, based on your specific genes, such as carbohydrate and/or fat sensitivity, addictive traits, ‘sweet tooth’, fat breakdown, exercise response during weight loss and micronutrient requirements.

How It Works?

Step One

Obtain a DNA Collection Kit by Placing Your Order.

Step Two

Take a quick cotton bud swab DNA sample from the inside of your cheek. Clear instructions are included in the DNA Collection Kit or watch the online video provided.

Step Three

Return the sample to us or book a courier and we will send a courier to collect and deliver to the lab. You will be notified via email when the sample arrives at the laboratory and when your results are ready.

Step Four

Book an online or in person consultation with a qualified practitioner to interpret the 200+ page report to get going.

Do Our Genes Determine Our Response to Diet?

All humans have the same genes arranged in the same order. And more than 99.9% of our DNA sequence is the same. But the few differences between us (all 1.4 million of them!) are enough to make each one of us unique. On average, a human gene will have 1-3 bases that differ from person to person. These differences can change the shape and function of a protein, or they can change how much protein is made, when it’s made, or where it’s made.

No Single Diet Works Best for Everyone

Preliminary results from the PREDICT study, which were presented at the 2019 meeting of the American Society of Nutrition, confirm: Different people respond very differently to the same dietary inputs. There is no one dietary approach that’s going to work best for everyone. 

Obesity and The Struggle of Excess Weight

Obesity is, along with cancer, the main global epidemic worldwide. 350 million people are considered obese people, and 1.1 billion overweight. In most cases this is a preventable pathological condition caused by the excessive accumulation of body fat that leads to 2.8 million deaths per year, due to associated risk factors such as cardiovascular, inflammatory diseases, diabetes, stroke and cancer.

Why are genetics important in managing weight?

In most cases struggling to lose weight is caused by a combination of lifestyle choices (processed foods, sedentary routine) and genetic variability (different responses to nutrition and exercise), the same diet and physical activity can have very different effects on different people. Genetics and environment are extremely important factors in deciding how each person should approach weight management.

“I learnt that there a many reasons why I struggle with my weight. It was only when I took a deeper look, at my genetics and the biological pathways at play inside my body, that I started to understand which personalised, targeted changes to make to achieve and maintain the results I'd always been chasing.”
Bella Jenkins

Investment Now

Your Body, Mind & Soul Will Thank You For It!

Studies and experience have shown us that our reaction to certain foods, medication and diets, differ quite substantially in comparison to our friends and family, and this is likely due to the differences in our genetic makeup and their interaction with the environment. One size does not fit all! Human are 99.5% the same, but that 0.5% makes all the difference.

Greek Physician

Knowing your genetic predisposition to what works and what does not work will enable you to understand and predict personalized metabolic responses to foods and move beyond a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to nutrition. 

Tim Spector
Professor of Genetic Epidemiology and Director of the TwinsUK Registry at Kings College, London




Your Start to Knowing Yourself

Here Are A Few FAQs We Get A Lot:

It will help to choose effective lifestyle interventions such as a change in diet and/or taking the rights supplements for your genetic makeup.

In your Diet DNA test you will be warned of addictive behavioural traits, etc.

Other  DNA tests will reveal which diseases you are predisposed to, e.g. cholesterol, type II diabetes.

You will learn of current conditions you may have, e.g. lactose intolerance.

Our other tests, such as the Sport DNA Test will provide more about your athletic potential.

This question has been the driving factor behind ongoing research into genetic testing and its many applications. We live in a world that now believes in prevention ahead of cure, and genetic testing gives us the tools we need to safeguard our vitality by implementing subtle (and sometimes substantial) lifestyle changes.

A comprehensive report, along with a precision nutrition plan, tailored to your genetic needs, enabling you to manage and develop your lifestyle that will be effective in helping you lose weight and reduce your health risks.

Your  Report and Plan contains key insights and several practical, personalised recommendations for you to start living your best life.

Results of the Diet DNA test are made available within 14 days

Studies have also shown that genetics appears to account for less than a third of the subjects’ insulin and triglyceride responses. The specific ratio of fats and carbohydrates in the diet were also not strongly predictive. Other factors, such as sleep habits, exercise, stress, and gut microbes appeared to play a much bigger role in our individual responses to diet.

The Lowest Price Genetic Diet Test

A Once in a Lifetime Test

Get into Your Best Shape

Stop Eating What Everyone Else Is Eating if you are genetically different

The smartest decision you can make if you believe you are different.